10 things you should know about BOTOX


Botox is a form of a natural protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is locally injected with a very small needle and is used to temporarily relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles and fine lines.


You can have Botox at any age!

Experts classify the belief that you should start doing Botox early (even before the age of 30), if you want to prevent the formation of wrinkles, as an urban myth. In reality, there are no limitations, and you can have Botox at any age you consider necessary.


You may experience slight discomfort in some areas, however, it is completely tolerable and momentary. For this reason, we first apply a topical cream with anesthetic properties, to further reduce pain at the injection sites.


Usually, there are no visible signs after the treatment, so you can immediately return to your daily activities. At the injection site, there may be a small bruise or redness, only slightly larger than a pinpoint, which can be easily covered with a little bit of makeup, and it may last until the next day.


On the day of the treatment, it is advised to avoid rubbing, pressing, or massaging the areas of the face where Botox was injected to prevent the material from spreading to nearby areas and affecting its intended action.


You won’t have to wait long to see the results!

The effects of Botox typically begin to appear after three to four days, and the final results will be visible in approximately one week.


There is always a small risk of side effects, but it is minimal.

Some women may experience headaches in the first few days, but the discomfort quickly subsides. A less common side effect is asymmetrical reduction of wrinkles or eyelid drooping, but we take all measures and precautions to avoid them. It is something that rarely occurs, and if you choose an experienced doctor, you won’t have to worry about it.


These treatments have results, but they need to be repeated regularly.

Their success is reflected in their popularity among women and men of all ages. The results typically last for approximately 4-6 months.


Botox can also be used medically for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, while in recent years it has been found effective for the treatment of migraines.


It is also used in dentistry to reduce excessive gingival display when smiling (“gummy smile”) and in cases of bruxism (teeth grinding/clenching), or TMJ symptoms (jaw clicking).