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Highly aesthetic dentures and top of the range denture teeth

Use of removable dentures to replace missing teeth might be the best treatment option from a cosmetic point of view, as this allows the restoration of all lost tissues such as the gums and jawbone. At Eversmile Dental Center we employ the most advanced techniques and the highest quality materials in fabricating your denture, in collaboration with a highly specialised dental laboratory (D.N.millDent), in order to achieve the best aesthetic outcome.

At Eversmile Dental Center we can provide all types of removable dentures, in collaboration with a highly specialized dental laboratory:

Partial dentures:

These are prescribed when there are still some remaining teeth which can be used to retain a denture. Partial dentures can be made entirely in plastic (acrylic) for lower cost, quicker delivery in a small number of appointments and easier future modifications; or they can incorporate a metal framework (cobalt-chromium or other alloy) which offers superior retention, greater comfort and durability. In some cases, partial denture treatment may be combined with placement of crowns on 2 or more teeth incorporating precision attachments, which offer such high levels of denture retention that the user feels as if the denture is fixed (non-removable), while the aesthetic result is the best possible as no metal parts of the denture are visible.


These are indicated when there are only few remaining teeth that require extensive restorations or which cannot be used to retain a partial denture. In these cases, the teeth may be prepared in a similar way as for crown placement and the overdenture can be placed over the prepared teeth. This significantly improves comfort, as the denture is supported by the natural teeth rather than the gums, while unnecessary tooth extractions are avoided.

Complete dentures:

These are prescribed when all teeth are missing to restore mastication (chewing), speech and aesthetics of the smile and the whole face. Correctly made complete dentures that fit well in the mouth can be used for many years with minor modifications, as modern dental materials present long durability.

Immediate / Transitional dentures:

These are indicated when planning extractions of teeth which have to be replaced straight away, mainly for aesthetic reasons, as well as for facilitating speech and chewing. Usually, this applies to extractions of multiple front teeth. Immediate dentures are fabricated and finished before any teeth are extracted, and are placed on the same appointment as the extractions. During the healing period, immediate dentures are regularly modified to maintain a good fit while the gums are changing shape. Commonly these are used for 3-6 months, facilitating the transition from partial to complete dentures or during the healing phase following implant placement.

Implant-retained dentures:

This is the best available treatment in removable prosthodontics, and is the recommended treatment option by prosthodontic organizations around the world as the minimum standard of care for persons who have lost all of their teeth, while offering significant benefits in partial denture cases as well. In these cases, titanium implants are surgically placed in the jaws (4 on the upper jaw and 2 on the lower jaw, or more) and following a healing period these are utilized to support and retain the dentures. In this way, maximum comfort, chewing ability, speech and aesthetics can be achieved, and as a result there is a notable improvement in the user’s quality of life (according to numerous clinical studies published in the scientific literature as well as the clinical experience of the past 30+ years). Further benefits include: lower costs compared to the alternative treatment option of placing more implants and fixed restorations, the prosthetic treatment is reversible, it allows for easy modifications and better access for hygiene on the implants (which is one of the most important factors for maintaining the implants in the long term).